As many of you noticed already, the weather is getting colder.

Now is the perfect time to go ahead with the winter preparations that can positively impact your wellness.

In the next few blogs, we will focus on the few essential steps to make sure you that you and yours maintain energy and stay well throughout the cold season. I called these 6 domains of wellness.

I practice what I preach. So, here is what I am planning to focus on for myself:

  1. Detoxification
  2. Energy repletion
  3. Hormonal optimization
  4. Micro-nutrient balance
  5. Sleep and stress cycle management
  6. Immune function boosting

While there is some overlap, all of these strategies are equally important in optimizing our wellness and vitality. Many of us will be focusing on the weight loss maintenance, and trying to avoid the winter ’15” (like the “freshman 15”). However, the weight is simply a reflection of how effective your efforts are in the 6 domains of wellness listed above.

Here is a helpful diagram to keep it in check:
6 Domains of Wellness

In the next post, we will focus on toxic exposures and several effective detoxification strategies.